Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Corporate Comedian!

Companies realize their employees are stressed. It is no wonder employers look for ways to provide fun and relaxing ways to build camaraderie and help their people to cope with office pressure.

 When hosting major events, conferences, educational seminars and conventions, it is easy to become overwhelmed. In addition to learning new skills and techniques, people must also be concerned with what is happening at the office or plant. Some companies are helping to break the tension is by using a corporate comedian.

A corporate comedian learns about the company, event and service or product. They then create customized material that offers people a chance to laugh at their everyday concerns. Hiring a corporate comedian is not an easy task.

 Unlike a comedy club, where language can be used and almost any topic can be discussed, the corporate comedian represents their client. Comedy must be kept clean, suitable and not offend or embarrass. Tom Crowl is a corporate comedian based in Maryland. As a comedy ventriloquist, Crowl and his puppets fly across the United States to entertain at corporate events.

Greeting Cards by Treat

1 comment:

Heather said...

This is awesome!